Apr 29, 2013

.My Favorite Fashionista's.

Today I wanted to blog about my favorite fashion bloggers. Since I've joined the blogging band wagon, I have always admired their sense of style and daily post's :) All these ladies are smart, lovely, and classy! Please take the time to visit their blogs & read about their beautiful style. Have a gorgeous Monday!

.B I N I T A.

This trendy blogger is classy. Her style is lovely and inspiring in every post!

.A M Y.

Amy is a doll! She is a Substitute Teacher with a gorgeous taste of style! You'll love her look!

.K r i s t i n e.

Kristine Lynn is such a gorgeous gal! Check out her trendy outfits she puts together...This young lady has an amazing style

.K I K I.

Tarin is a sweetheart! Her outfits are girly and chic...check out her cute blog :)

.M A N D Y.

Absolutely inspiring! Mandy writes fabulous fashion articles. If you follow her, you will always be up to date with news in the fashion industry!

I hope you enjoyed all these inspiring ladies blogs! xX


  1. We will defeintley have a peak at these blogs! Look really fab.

    Check out our new blog called we are dustyroses. To welcome ourselves we are currently having a nail art competiition.

    Send us your best nail picture. It can be anything from simple colours to cretive designs. It all comes down to how it looks. A winner will be announced on the 8th May.

    Join in. You coud win a free nail gift set.

  2. looks like i have some blogs that i need to start following!! love each girls outfit!! have a great day hun!!

  3. You are the sweetest! These girls are gorgeous fashionistas!! Thank you! You are one of my all time favorite fashion inspirations for sure!!! :)


  4. Your so sweet, I love this idea of shout outs! Def going to do this soon, and gonna check all these beautiful ladies out! Thanks for always inspiring:)

  5. this is so! this gals all look darling! ill have to check them out! thanks!

  6. Hey girl, just wanted to let you know I've nominated you for a Liebster Award!

    Check it out here:


  7. Thank you so much love your blog! xoxo


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