Mar 10, 2013

.My Animal Print Fever.

Lately I've had this animal print fever. Am I the only one? I see anything animal print on the rack and I think "Oh! I'm getting this!" haha. Today i'm wearing my new leopard print chiffon blouse with a pair of flair cut jeans. Whenever I wear my flare cut denims, I must wear wedges or anything with a heel. I'm very short (5 feet) so anything to boost up my height is great! lol

My boyfriend has been working so much overtime lately! I hardly get to see him :( Fortunately today we planned lunch at an awesome place called "Swabbies". "Swabbies" a pub & grill by the Sacramento River. In the summer, this place has live music in the late evenings. Last year they had an awesome Reggae band that performed (I remember it so well because Jason and I had so much fun that night). The temperature in Sacramento today is 65-70 degrees. It's a perfect day to eat out by the river.

Added a little edge look with a spike chain necklace..Where to purchase?

Spike Chain Necklace:Here for only 11.99

Sandal Wedges:Here for $70 @Aldo Shoes

I bought my leopard print blouse at the local Styles For Less but I could not seem to locate it on the online store. However, I did find this cheetah print blouse on Amazon (close enough!)

Cheetah Print Blouse:Here for only 12.99! Cheaper than what I purchased mine for!

Flare Cut Jeans:Here for $169.00 (7 For all Mankind Jeans...Great quality denim)


  1. What a fun place to go for lunch!!! You look so chic and stunning! Love the leopard/cheetah print blouse! I'm 5"3 and always have that problem with pants! I have to wear so kind of heels, otherwise they drag on the ground and get ruined!

    1. Thank you! Jason thought I was too dressed up! lol he's so funny. Don't you love being short ;)

  2. A great outfit,

    Thank you for your nice comment, I like your blog. I'm your newest follower rigth now

    1. awesome :) Thank you so much for stopping by

  3. thanks a lot :)

    love your outfit <3

  4. love me so gold & animal print! too cute girly, love it!

  5. Hi just found your blog! I love what your wearing here. Its bold and daring - yet so wearable!! Also love your make up look, really ties the whole outfit together. Great post :)

    If you have a minute, take a look at my blog? If you enjoy it maybe we could follow each other? Lucy x

    1. Thanks darling! I will definitely check yours out :)

  6. Thank you very much!! I love your blog too! I need more time to work as blogger hahaha follow you :)

  7. you look stunning...gorgeous outfit dear
    love Vikee

  8. sooo damn pretty ! :*

    Liebst, A. ♥

    Wurde mich freuen, wenn du bei mir vorbeischauen wurdest oder mir vielleicht sogar folgen :)


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