I'm also 17 weeks and 5 days! We have our first ultra sound appointment in less than two weeks. We get to find out the gender of our little miracle Finally! So is baby Norman a girl or boy? To be honest I really don't mind what we are having. I only pray for a healthy baby. Jason is really hoping it's a boy haha. Plus i'm dying to find out because I want to start buying clothes for him or her. Every time I pass through the baby section of a store, I always stare at the clothes picking out what outfits I want my baby to wear. Then I think, "wait, you don't know if you're have a boy or girl!" lol
Floral Crop Top C / O Nordstrom (BP)
Black Maxi Skirt C /O Nordstrom (POV)
White hat C / O Nordstrom (BP)
Watch C / O Kate Spade
Book C / O What to Expect when you're expecting
Necklace C / O Amazon
Handbag C / O Louis Vuitton